Custom configuration

In the previous example we can see that we need to reverse the column names dictionary to map the result of a query:

// We can have multiple properties mapped to the same column
ILookup<string, string> columnsLookup = tableInfo.ColumnNamesDic
    .ToLookup(x => x.Value.ToLower(), x => x.Key);

We can cache data like this, saving it as metadata. To do this we need to implement a custom configuration processor:

public class LookupProcessor : BaseConfigProcessor, IConfigProcessor
    protected override void ProcessData()
        // Loop through all types that are a table
        foreach (TableConfig tableConfig in ConfigData.ConfigTypes.Values.Where(x => x.IsTable == true))
            // Get the result class
            TableInfo tableInfo = ResultData.GetConfig(tableConfig.Type);

            // Add custom data as table metadata
            tableInfo.TableMetadata.Add("ColumnsLookup", tableInfo.ColumnNamesDic
                .ToLookup(x => x.Value.ToLower(), x => x.Key));

Then we need to register our processor:

ITableBuilder tableBuilder = new TableBuilder();
tableBuilder.AddProcessor(new LookupProcessor());

And we can get the data like this:

ILookup<string, string> columnsLookup = tableInfo
    .GetTableMetadata<ILookup<string, string>>("ColumnsLookup");